120 words Should we read books that contain scientific falsehoods? 146 words If you are okay with sharing, what did you do with your Philosophy degree? 577 words Would any God ever be able to know for certain that it was omniscient? 136 words Would any God ever be able to know for certain that it was omniscient? 289 words What are some philosophies that help when grieving? 181 words Pursuing an education in South Asian philosophy 160 words Pursuing an MA in Philosophy with a BA in English? 641 words Is secularism hypocritical and vacuous? 871 words How do I read Bertrand Russell's 'History of Western Philosophy' as an Indian? 133 words Help with disanalogy of gender-incongruence and conditions like anorexia 240 words Where to start with Robert Brandom? 302 words Is voluntary control over things like opening doors incommensurate with a conception of belief being wholly involuntary? 193 words Is Retroactive Research Better for Independent Philosophy? 218 words Does anyone actually support “Cartesian dualism” in 2022? Academics seem to frequently position themselves against it but I haven't encountered evidence that this position actually exists. "Nemo sic cogitat, ergo non est." 250 words How is philosophy is any use to me and why would I care to learn? 208 words Yin and Yang 217 words Relationship between self-knowledge and knowledge 161 words if reality is but a mere mental construct coveyed to my mind by my senses, then, are my thoughts and mind a product of my senses? 118 words At what point does ones survival trump anothers comfort? 165 words Do philosophers ever intentionally obfuscate their own writing in order to protect it from criticism?