243 words User gives a detailed and super interesting list of negatives about living in Japan from the perspective of an American. 243 words Redditor perfectly explains the mind of your typical Trump voter, using his brother as an example. 416 words Redditor asks Bill Gates for a new Age of Empires game in an AMA thread. Bill says he will look into it. One year later, Bill Gates delivers with the announcement of Age of Empires 4! 860 words Redditor provides proof that Charlottesville counter protesters did actually have permits, and rally was organized by a recognized white supremacist as a white nationalist rally. 281 words /u/hetellsitlikeitis tells is like it is, when a small town Trump supporter asks why he is met with hostility. Best response to a Trump supporter, ever. Polite, but firm. 249 words User explains why the Google Manifesto's scientific evidence is biased and inconclusive due to assumptions made by the author and incorrect application of proper scientific method 593 words Restaurant owner gives real world perspective on why tipping is good for everyone involved 293 words Redditor accuses his subordinate's boyfriend as an abuser, /u/newbabes2 calls OP out for being a creep 188 words Underage user in a foster home is given advice for how to receive immediate help after finding a video camera in their bathroom. 209 words Redditor provides a succinct description of what will happen if OP allows his methhead sister to financially abuse him. 599 words /u/foxnewsfun describes with sources and statistics on how Fox News lies to its audience for political and financial gain and its influence on Brexit. 429 words Redditor asks for identification of weird Nazi-like imagery, a wild occultist appears to give detailed info about each 250 words /u/LeftHandedLunatic takes a detailed look at the study that produced the "one in four" statistic RE: campus sexual assault, shows how the number was arrived at, while correcting the facts that both supporters and deniers tend to get wrong. 271 words /u/LeftHandedLunatic takes a detailed look at the study that produced the "one in four" statistic RE: campus sexual assault, shows how the number was arrived at, while correcting the facts that both supporters and deniers tend to get wrong. 495 words Seemingly innocuous comment gets gilded 1346 times 243 words Seemingly innocuous comment gets gilded 1346 times 224 words Redditor finds three US legal cases where individuals were convicted of obstruction of justice even while using the phrase "I hope," blowing up Republican talking points claiming that this phrase clears President Trump of any wrongdoing. 249 words Redditor finds three US legal cases where individuals were convicted of obstruction of justice even while using the phrase "I hope," blowing up Republican talking points claiming that this phrase clears President Trump of any wrongdoing. 197 words Redditor finds three US legal cases where individuals were convicted of obstruction of justice even while using the phrase "I hope," blowing up Republican talking points claiming that this phrase clears President Trump of any wrongdoing. 400 words u/Hdmoney buys the Chairman of the FCC's domain and launches a pro net-neutrality website