571 words u/TallAmericano shows up in a thread to explain why corporations push diversity and inclusion beyond the minimums of the law to people arguing against it 116 words /u/sint0xicateme explains the Paradox of Tolerance and how the alt-right are using centrists as "useful idiots" against the left 327 words u/PoppinKREAM explains why are so many individuals and organizations coming out against Brett Kavanaugh's nomination. 121 words /u/PoppinKREAM details, with sources, the rise of Neo-Nazis and white supremacists who are running for major political offices in the United States 119 words /u/Waxpapers excoriates the legal advice subreddit for giving terrible legal advice and accusing the OP of raping a mentally disabled woman. 132 words OP delivers when asked about a 20 year old trauma teddy. 199 words /u/Jmgill12 explains why University of Maryland football shouldn’t be celebrated for “honoring” one of their players who recently died 128 words /u/compensatedshill explains why "imagine the reaction if there were a 'White Entetainment Television' Channel" is a nonsensical hypothetical 222 words SparkStormrider comes up with the perfect way to respond to Verizon's recent throttling of fire department of 'unlimited' data during a wildfire 350 words u/Minotaur11 describes the insanity of Trump’s threat to end all trade with U.S. allies. 126 words /u/f_d details the ongoing effectiveness of the propaganda network supporting Donald Trump 153 words Redditor explains common core math thought process 206 words Redditor asks a defense attorney how the FBI could have raided Trump's lawyer's office. What about attorney-client privilege? The answer is that there must be some EXTREMELY strong evidence of criminal action on the part of Trump's lawyer. 245 words Redditor explains how California Gun Control limit the casualties in Youtube Shooting 215 words A Redditor shows how many child abuse rings there are in Britian by linking them 174 words Redditor explains why so many Neckbeards have similar characteristics and details his journey to becoming a Neckbeard 218 words /u/Chemical_Castration grew up as a Jehovah's Witnesses and explains how the leaders of the religion protect thousands of pedophiles from legal prosecution. 152 words Redditor explains how Alexa works 294 words Logan Paul tried to bully u/dwiskus out of his Twitter @. So he delayed his movie by registering the trademark. 183 words Redditor shares a passage showing a parallel between the transformation of Nazi Germany and the signs of it in the US today