398 words ELI5 why shouldn't a government aim for 0 debt. 235 words ELI5 why shouldn't a government aim for 0 debt. 274 words Redditor explains how to deal with anxiety attacks and depression RIGHT NOW 246 words u/Classic_Todd finds and shares FBI procedure for interviewing rape victims as appropriately as possible, made in the 80s and still not used by most police departments today. 271 words Redditor explains the problem with science advocates like Bill Nye: they push what they think are science claims, without explaining the method. It's more important to think rationally than blindly accept claims handed to you by others, even from scientists. 182 words Redditor concisely breaks down the foam vs. paper cup debate in response to a note written on a Dunkin Donuts bathroom hand dryer. 188 words Conservative Asks Anarchists About Antifa and Mutual Dialogue Ensues 193 words /u/StarkyA describes something sad about the much-maligned Star Wars prequel movies 260 words Redditor gives eye witness account of doctor being violently removed from United plane 522 words Pyramid Scheme scammer ends up paying in the end! 838 words /u/Deggit perfectly explains NATO, and why Trump doesn't understand geopolitics 302 words Reddit post explains that Sesame Street will be adding a muppet with a mental disorder. Redditor explains how all the muppets show signs of a mental disorder. 211 words German redditor translates the title of Angela Merkel's PhD thesis in physical chemistry and explains, in quite some detail, what it is actually about 207 words After posting a Play of the Game on the Overwatch subreddit via his not-quite highlight reel computer, fellow gamers rally to send OP upgrades. 230 words /u/NoahtheRed tells newly unemployed Redditor how to make the most of his time without a job 526 words "Is my dead wife in hell?" A redditor shares their moving experience about losing faith. 236 words "Is my dead wife in hell?" A redditor shares their moving experience about losing faith. 283 words Mycarisorange explains how the statistics showing that "women are paid 30% less than men " is inaccurate and misleading 452 words Gun subreddit raises thousands of dollars to fight human trafficking. 304 words With reddit's help, OP discovers that a CPS agent interviewing her, searching her house, and drug testing her family is an imposter.