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Cheers mate. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying having a normal discussion about this sort of stuff.

I get where you're coming from about the 'pipe dream' stuff but I can't say I agree. I think the fact that the UK is already such a powerful country means that we can afford to start throwing our weight around a bit, if that makes sense.

If you take the corporate taxation argument as an example - the one that says that there will be a capital flight and companies will simply pull out of the UK if we tax them too highly.

The way I see it is that the UK is simply such a big market that we can afford to start being a bit more assertive with the likes of amazon or whoever it is that don't like paying their taxes. If we were to tell amazon they simply can't do business in the UK unless they pay their tax, you can be sure they'd cough up.

Unlike, say, Ireland or another small nation, the UK is I think the fifth biggest economy in the world and I think it's about time we started to assert ourselves with multinational capital a bit more. We are the voters, we elect our representatives and our parliament is the ultimate authority. We make the rules that the big companies have to follow, not the other way around.

In terms of raising the minimum wage, maybe you think I'm nuts but I'm all for it. The evidence, as far as I understand it at least, has shown that raising the minimum wage has increased living standards every single time it's been implemented and hasn't led to a drop in overall economic activity - in fact it's been the opposite.

I don't know, I just think it's about time we started asserting ourselves as a country a bit more. We know we are not a poor country, we know we don't need a 'magic money tree' to afford better public services and we are one of the most industrious nations in the world. A lot of what Corbyn talks about is achievable.

Having said all that, what do I know? lol. I'm just some bloke.

I will say I think a lot of the criticism may has faced has been unfair. It's all aimed at her personality. Attack her for her policies, not because she is socially awkward or whatever. Who cares if she's a 'maybot' as long as she gets the fucking job done. It was like that question at the 2015 election when paxman asked ed miliband if he was a 'nerd' - as if nerds can't get stuff done. Bill Gates is a nerd but he's done alright for himself.

I'd be much happier if the criticism went back to being aimed primarily at her policy. It was the same with Corbyn. All that irrelevant shit about his tie or whatever. Attack his policies.

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