/u/LeftHandedLunatic takes a detailed look at the study that produced the "one in four" statistic RE: campus sexual assault, shows how the number was arrived at, while correcting the facts that both supporters and deniers tend to get wrong.

It's not that they were too stupid, it's that they clearly have an agenda too. What part of "anonymous survey" don't you understand? There is no way to verify what is true and what isn't. It is all subjective, and it is an incredibly emotionally charged topic. Furthermore, I am certain that there are going to be people filling out false information on the survey because they have their own beliefs and agendas. Also, the definition of what counts as sexual assault is entirely up to the individual. If I had sex with a girl ten years ago who had one drink and I was extra rough in bed, does that count as "forceful penetration"? Is that rape? She had one drink, so modern feminists would say that she couldn't consent. At the time, she might not have thought that any sexual assault was going on, what if I broke her heart or made her feel "cheap"? What if on the survey she reports that that particular incident was a sexual assault just so she can make herself cope with it better? These are all real things that people consider on a survey, and I can assure you that one about sexual assault that is 100% confidential and 100% subjective is going to be rather skewed from reality. And just to hammer this point home again, it is entirely up to the individual's own opinions and feelings (not what actually happened) to decide if they themselves have been sexually assaulted. I think that this study had plenty of flaws (all studies conducted with anonymous surveys should be taken with a grain of salt).

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