394 words Ever since I’ve been on antipsychotics I’ve had a problem with lack of motivation almost like mild depression and I’m not sure if it’s the antipsychotic making me unmotivated or if it’s just mild depression. I don’t feel a heavy weight of depression just this difficulty getting motivated. 282 words Recently Diagnosed and prescribed meds, but I don't feel like I need them or really am Bipolar 138 words Does cannabis affect you very poorly like me? Like almost psychosis? 115 words Mood stabilizer vs antipsychotic? 214 words Marijuana and bi-polar 155 words anyone ever weighed out the possibility that bi polar syndrome is actually just a hormonal imbalance? 150 words Do you have a job? If so, how do you manage to do your job + keep yourself stable? 145 words I kinda feel violated 136 words Off my meds for a month I’m confused way I haven’t it mania 138 words Lithium makes me throw up :( 145 words MED MONDAYS 148 words Being manic isn’t “fun.” 126 words I developed Bipolar while in the Air Force and now get $3k a month for life AMA 174 words Wellness/Treatment Centers 199 words Please, talk me through things 183 words is there some sort of comprehensive list of symptoms of bipolar somewhere? 220 words Sassy psychiatrist doesn't believe I'm bipolar. 138 words My psych is knowingly letting me run out of sleeping pills for NO reason and I’m terrified of having an episode from lack of sleep.. 124 words Depression in Covid/ Stay at home 562 words Is it dissociation or just imagination ?