530 words How do you get over your less qualified friend getting a position you both applied to based on looks? 206 words Am I dumb to think there's still a way to save my job in this scenario? 178 words I'm depressed, can't handle criticism, hate long hours, dislike coworkers, and overall hate work, what career should I get? 146 words I was hired for a remote position, and now they want me in the office. How do I handle this? 158 words I'm fully-remote but my boss keeps asking me to come in for important meetings (that happen approx. every week/2 weeks). Can I push back or am I being unreasonable? 237 words Need help thinking about what job I should get? 598 words How to become a diplomat? 242 words 21F. Very mentally ill. Can't hold down jobs, but also can't afford help either. Catch-22. Nothing I'm interested in. What can I do? 149 words Get masters in data science or start career as a developer? 134 words New post requirement. Please use location flairs. 144 words Any careers that pay enough to support an average person without having an associates or bachelors? 315 words I feel utterly lost, still. For anyone that has gotten out of a terrible rut, how did you get by? What steps did you take to alleviate the feelings of just general hopelessness in the work force? 184 words Considering quitting my job for mental health reasons, nothing else lined up, is this a terrible idea? 135 words Disclosing anxiety to new job? 138 words Could you help me evaluate options after bachelor's degree? 141 words Coworker wearing Blue Lives Matter attire to meetings? 155 words I have zero career ambition and am happy with that. Why do so many people seem to have a problem with this? 340 words Do people with 6 figure jobs get to actually enjoy their money? 297 words Is anyone else constantly anxious about losing your job? 199 words Do I have the experience to get a technical account manager/customer success manager/sales engineer role at a SaaS company and make 70k in Chicago? Does this path make sense? General advice for a furloughed waiter with corporate experience.