Considering quitting my job for mental health reasons, nothing else lined up, is this a terrible idea?

I have the same problem g, so just know you’re not alone…

I graduated in 2012 with an Econ degree and struggled for nearly a decade just finding something that paid a professional salary. It’s 2021 and I’m working a chemical manufacturing job for $17/hr. It’s pennies and crumbs compared to what most of my friends and colleagues are making. Most of them are PMs for large IBs and tech companies.

My health is suffering in my 30s. I’ve gained about 20 lbs from lack of exercising (bc I have no time with 10hr shifts every day M-F), and since I work on the night shift, my circadian rhythm is all out of whack. It’s been affecting my mental health for nearly 3 months and I’m ready to quit.

I have no back up plan. I’ve been applying for jobs since May but haven’t had any luck with call backs or offers. I Iive with my parents right now, which is both sad and depressing, but I really have no choice. I’m pretty much fucked financially without them.

/r/careerguidance Thread