117 words [OC] Mexico has been in a water crisis for at least 20 years 110 words [OC] The Slow Decline of Key Changes in Popular Music 188 words [OC] European Y-Chromosome (male) and mtDNA (female) genetic admixture in 5 Latin American countries 166 words [OC] Hong Kong has the highest proportion of female prisoners 136 words What factors contribute to gas prices? [OC] 184 words Everyone Thinks They Are Middle Class [OC] 345 words [OC] Obesity rate in the United States (1985–2021) / Coronavirus update 162 words [OC] Gun ownership rate and firearm mortality rate in the United States 144 words Titanic Survival by Passenger Class and Type [OC] 136 words [OC] Body Height Reported by U.S. Men 153 words Age distribution of to be drafted Russian reservists from the leaked data [OC] 130 words [OC] China emits more CO2 than the entire Western hemisphere 223 words [OC] There are now at least two Indian states with better Maternal Mortality Ratio than the worst US state. 142 words [OC] Visualization of a Poll I did about the following question: "A man holds up a sign saying 'I will rob anyone who comes near me'. Your friend decides to go near him and gets robbed. Whose fault is this?" 145 words I suffer from depression and after a painful breakup in 2018 I decided to monitor how many times a day I thought killing myself for a year. This chart shows when I finally decided to go to therapy and quit suffering. [OC] 104 words [OC] City of Uvalde Expenditure Budget (proposed 2021-2022) 133 words Ownership of train operating companies in Great Britain [OC] 119 words [OC] Journey to 3-minute plank 114 words [OC] Comparing the GDP of US States with that of countries 153 words The share of Americans not having sex has reached a record high. For young men it has trippled in 10 years.