129 words New Teachers are Earning 11% Less Than They Were 30 Years Ago When Adjusted for Inflation 117 words [OC] I updated our famous password table for 2022 244 words [OC] Map showing the latest situation in Ukraine today with territory gained by Russia 177 words [OC] Walt Disney World Ticket Price Increase vs Wages, Rent, and Gasoline 140 words More Americans Have Died From COVID Than From All Foreign Conflicts in US history [OC] 171 words [OC] Unvaccinated 80+ year olds (ECDC) 237 words [OC] How serious do US states think global warming is? 483 words [OC] My friend believes that COVID-19 is overhyped, no worse than the flu, so I made this graph for him. Hopefully I am comparing apples to apples here like I intend to. Criticism is welcome, please tell me if the columns I am comparing here don't make sense to compare! 139 words [OC] Karen baby name ranking 1945-2020 133 words [OC] The 2020 election if only people under 45 voted. 157 words Movies with the greatest difference between Rotten Tomatoes critic and audience ratings [OC] 135 words Timeline of generations in the Western world 153 words NBA shot selection 125 words The environmental impact of lab grown meat and its competitors [OC] 112 words [OC] Economists obsess over this swiggly line (yield curve) because it says a lot about the economy. Right now it points to reflation. Here's the five year story in less than two minutes. 176 words US Inauguration Address: Word Frequency (Biden vs. Trump) [OC] 114 words [OC] Comparison of changes in a few assets' prices over the last 12 months 137 words [OC] Tesla is NOT bigger than the next 10 biggest automakers put together. I've compressed its rise over the last seven years into a minute. Enjoy! 106 words How many leaders the Queen saw coming and going. [OC] 170 words [OC] How wrong were the polls? (US election 2020)