[OC] There are now at least two Indian states with better Maternal Mortality Ratio than the worst US state.

Maybe cost of healthcare is relevant here? As an Indian who spent 6+ years in the US, I self-treated my wounds in the US all the time. Never in India.

I also couldn't afford glasses because my eye insurance was shitty, so I once had my glasses imported from India when I lived there. One time though, I was desperate so I paid ~600 USD for my glasses (250 for the test + rest for the glasses.) Eye insurance was useless because the county I lived in didn't have good insurance "member" providers.

In India, most of the time, I opted for cheap or free healthcare. In the US, I remember I had an infected wound that I disinfected, removed the black stuff stuck in with a boiled needle, then put more alcohol on it, ointment and wrapped it with gauge. (it was infected so I had almost no feeling or trauma lol?) If I had gone to the doc, they would have probably treated me wih ~50 USD copay but I think there is a fear of healthcare costs in the US.

Random healthcare bills: ~150 USD for a routine blood test, ~250 for a test checking for cancer, plus 25-50 copay.. I could afford it but every time I went to the doctor, I was worried primarily about bills. I doubt this is good for a pregnant person.

/r/dataisbeautiful Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it