Movies with the greatest difference between Rotten Tomatoes critic and audience ratings [OC]

What? People hated Noah?! I feel personally attacked.

I first saw that movie scrolling through Netflix, thinking I'd have some fun watching some Pureflix schlock for a laugh. Boy was I surprised by what I got instead.

I really liked it though. Even though it was only based on the biblical text in the loosest sense of adaptation, I thought it was actually weirdly honest to the source material. The tension between loyalty to God and loyalty to family, the doubt about what is right, the harsh, brutal living with all that's guiding the characters forward being faith in the covenant between them and the Lord... yeah that's Genesis alright. And Tom Hanks acting fucking nailed that inner turmoil being surpassed by dogmatic determination. Fuck, did that acting hurt.

Then credits roll and of course it's a fucking Darren Aaronofsky movie. That dude knows how to make movies which probe the extremity of human emotion and behavior.

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