306 words Sometimes I forget my own username and get really confused when someone sends me a message with just "blue" written in it. Here's a tally of the (nearly) 3 years of PM's I've received. [xpost from /r/PMclub] [OC] 151 words I made a chart showing the popular vote turnout in 2008, 2012 and 2016. Hillary didn't lose because the Republicans grew their base; she lost because the Democrats didn't come out to vote. [OC] 254 words I made a chart showing the popular vote turnout in 2008, 2012 and 2016. Hillary didn't lose because the Republicans grew their base; she lost because the Democrats didn't come out to vote. [OC] 195 words What Went Wrong In Flint — A series of graphics to convey the statistical sampling that was being used to test Flint's water. 214 words The Most Googled Prescription Brands By State [OC] 220 words World population living in extreme poverty, 1820-2015 186 words Netflix is over 12 times more popular than its competitors among younger viewers 190 words Heart rate during conference presentation - with beta-blockers [OC] 177 words Blood on the page. Print-only interactive visualization by The Economist 174 words xkcd: Earth Temperature Timeline 189 words Most terrorist attacks in the US are committed by Americans—not foreigners 176 words Is your state's highest paid employee a coach? (probably) 272 words A woman wearing make up is rated more competent, intelligent, authentic, trustworthy, and confident [OC] 210 words U.S. Share of Income Earned by the Top 10% with the Top Marginal Income Tax Rate Overlaid [OC] 500 words Who should driverless cars kill? [Interactive] 211 words Who should driverless cars kill? [Interactive] 206 words U.S. Presidential candidates and their positions on various issues visualized [OC] 447 words US uninsured population has declined 43% since the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) was enacted while enrollee spending growth has slowed 310 words chart shows why pharma companies are fighting legal marijuana 164 words The threat level of terrorism around the world in one map