What Went Wrong In Flint — A series of graphics to convey the statistical sampling that was being used to test Flint's water.

Guy name Durant gets a loan from Whaley

Starts building carriages, eventually starts GM with some other peeps

GM is really successful

People move from all over to work at GM in Flint

Rows of 700-900sq ft shacks are built as fast as they could get them down

Life is good and Time magazine says Flint is one of the best cities on the planet in the 1950s

GM has been polluting the Flint river for 50 years now, probably not thinking that their grandchildren would drink it

GM says 'good game' in the 60s and is tired of the UAW's shit and says see ya later

Meanwhile Detroit starts a race riot in 1967. Lot of unemployed angry people.

White flight is in full effect, people are literally abandoning their homes

GM closes some shops

Businesses that were supported by the shops close down

Unemployed minorities sell drugs and steal cars

"Devil's night" is now regular anticipated event.

White flight slowly continues

Infrastructure is now 100 years old, no tax base to support it.

Switch the water supply to polluted corrosive river water to save a buck

Poison all the people

Point fingers

And that's Flint.

/r/dataisbeautiful Thread Parent Link - fivethirtyeight.com