I made a chart showing the popular vote turnout in 2008, 2012 and 2016. Hillary didn't lose because the Republicans grew their base; she lost because the Democrats didn't come out to vote. [OC]

Err, maybe not.

From every early bit of data we've seen so far minorities voted for Clinton.

The problem was every other Democrat base dropped out. The environmentalists voted for Stein/Trump/abstained ( good job by the way, this was the last election cycle we had before we hit irreparable damage to all countries, not just third world, and we elected a climate change denier. ), the Unions voted Trump. And white educated voters by and large voted Trump, including white women.

Looking across the board at Trump, it's somewhat even more shocking. Massive amounts of core Republican bases didn't show up at all either. Evangelicals had a poor showing, as did economic conservatives. He was only bolstered by the white educated/white middle class fleeing the Democrats and switching to vote R this election. Also he never lost the women vote, which is what ultimately got him the win.

The Obama Coalition stayed strong. What happened was even more shitty. What happened was white women predominantly showed the rest of the women in this country that "feminism" only matters if you are white, as they chose to FYGM minority women across the board. And white educated voters chose to either protest vote because they didn't like Clinton, or showed they only vote to feel good, not because of actual care about the issues.

This election was lost because white Democrats stabbed the Obama Coalition in the back to protest Hillary. And I doubt the Democratic party will ever be able to recover from it.

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