Who should driverless cars kill? [Interactive]

Split second reactions to danger aren't conscious...

If they aren't, you aren't paying enough attention while driving. There isn't a single decision I've made while driving to avoid an accident that wasn't conscious. You're responsible for your vehicle and your actions. If you think most actions are "split second", it's probably because you're a terrible and inattentive driver that isn't very observant.

If someone has time to make a decision based on morals they have time to avoid it altogether.

That doesn't even make any fucking sense. Your morals - or in your case, lack thereof - don't allow you to defy the laws of physics. If it takes you ten seconds to think about what the right thing to do is, you're probably a sociopath. Honestly.

It also just occurred to me that you're the same person who knew how many "layers of computation" it would take for a computer to make "moral decisions". You do realize that the answer is zero, and that a computer doesn't actually have to have any concept of morality to act in a way that could be considered moral, right?

Not joking - a computer would be both faster and better at making morally-based decisions than you.

Please start taking the bus.

/r/dataisbeautiful Thread Parent Link - moralmachine.mit.edu