Netflix is over 12 times more popular than its competitors among younger viewers

I'm with both sides, to be honest. I don't believe we are owed entertainment... so, if you're consuming it, you should pay for it like anything else. I mean, you hear people complaining about the quality of shows, then some of these same people will torrent everything they watch (I know people like this myself). Making those shows isn't free and they're less likely to take chances if people aren't paying... hence so many formulaic network TV shows.

However, when it comes to things like HBO, I did the same thing until they came to their senses. First there was HBO Go, which required a cable subscription... we're a streaming household, so we're not paying for a full cable package just for a few HBO shows. So, we torrented... if you don't want my money, okay. Then there was HBO Now, but only on mobile devices (Apple first, then Android about 6 months later). Now they've expanded Now to other devices and I happily pay for what I watch... which is all I wanted all along. Give me the chance to pay for it and I will.

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