215 words What to do when a girl says “call me”? 259 words How do I get over my ex? 123 words Just a rant about praising guys for anything and everything when it comes to dating... 349 words Just a rant about praising guys for anything and everything when it comes to dating... 136 words The people who always said "You only find love when you stop looking for it" or "Just do your own thing and the right person will come to you" or similar advice; what do they say in covid times? 141 words What's "normal" in terms of texting in the beginning? 274 words Newer here and I’m honestly tired and need words of wisdom or just comfort or bonding. I know it’s long but please help your girl out. 247 words He ghosted me after we finally had sex 204 words How do you start dating when your in your late 20s with minimal/no experience ? 121 words I (25f) get 2xs as many matches on dating apps when I list my old job - why? 236 words Is the “dating game” something that the majority of people experience? 541 words Ran into a girl that told me she was too busy to date, should I ask her out again or wait for her to take some initiative? 201 words A girlfriend is now the only thing I have to look forward to in life, but I can't get even that 283 words Rejection doesn't inherently mean that there's something wrong with you 153 words Why do I have such a hard time dating? 131 words (27F) Getting attached too quickly to someone you never met in person 183 words I(f22) reaaally like him(m23) but there's a few buts 180 words How Do I Ask My Crush Out On Facebook Without It Coming Off Weird? 303 words Men, please know it's completely ok to be emotional and feel vulnerable, especially in a serious committed relationship. 451 words Please share stories related to setting your standards, waiting for the right person, and finally finding them