Just a rant about praising guys for anything and everything when it comes to dating...

I’m sorry but this isn’t a “male” thing OR a “female” thing. It’s a “human” thing. It’s a “dating in the modern age” thing. We all spend so much time soaking in information that we become a reflection of the things we witness and learn. On top of that, there are about a million other things happening around us at a given time. It’s impossible NOT to be, on some level, “unaware”.

I'm sorry this is very much a gendered issue. Men simply don't have the matches to even have luxury of picking for their 'types.' Women don't chase. I don't even know what my 'type' is..

Also jumping back to the height standards thing is not going to help your argument. EVERYONE has standards and everyone has preferences when it comes to dating. Is it shallow to judge someone solely based on things out of their control (i.e., breast size, height, etc.)?

Breast size is NOT out of a person's control. Same with butt size. Save 10 grand and go to the nearest clinic. Simple, done. Recovery is like, what, a few weeks? Same with the other myriad of cosmetic procedures available to women, which are relatively inexpensive and have quick and easy recovery. Because it's all soft tissue. LOTS of women do it nowadays.

That bone breaking surgery, that people try to make an equivalent? Well, it's not. It's not only exponentially more expensive, but clinics in the US don't even do it unless you have dwarfism. You you not only have to pay out an exuberant sum of money, but you also have to spend something stupid, like a year of your life sitting in a hospital in India, then go through a painful rehabilitation process where you learn to walk again. Oh, and there's a non-insignifcant chance that you will also end up crippled permanently.

If height increasing surgery was anywhere near to being accessible as breast implants or anything women have to enhance their looks, it would be the first thing I would have saved for.

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