332 words just bs. 351 words Going to a vape shop you've never been to before tends to be so awkward... 554 words Let's get this on /r/all for the 3rd time! Quitting smoking for your New Years resolution? We can help! Pop over to /r/electronic_cigarette and see how vaping has helped us! 395 words Is ordering juice online worth the risk? 853 words eJuiceMafia has the worst customer service I've ever seen 467 words I've come a long way and would like some recommendations! 322 words Help me with definitions and terminology for the wiki page I'm making 316 words A new paper by Rutgers School of Public Health and the Schroeder Institute slays a number of popular myths surrounding e-cigarettes! 594 words x-post /r/cloudmaker - No refund policy for delayed pre order = arguable financial trouble for Cloudmaker 590 words Hey, man. I want to talk about the Mutation Tank! 531 words OCC vertical coils spitting and gurgling. 478 words CASAA: National Call to Action: Tell the White House to urge FDA to re-work the deeming regulations so that life-saving vapor products can remain on the market! 340 words Would like to upgrade from Subox Mini starter kit. 341 words [Question] Want to get my dad (smoking for about 40 yrs now) into vaping 309 words Why do cigarette smokers have a negative perception of vapers? 320 words The vapeholes have taken over.. 419 words My Wake and Vape Experience 326 words Have a friend who's ready to upgrade from Egos but doesn't want to commit to rebuildables yet, what are some good tanks with pre-made coils these days? Also box mods with step-down/buck voltage for low (~10w) wattage? 302 words These disposable vapes let you inhale your caffeine instead of drink it 297 words Total noob here, and I'm going through my fluid at an alarming rate. What settings should I be using?