269 words My UK tropical garden progress 2020-2022 184 words Little frog has been in my garden (I assume this is its home as it’s there every time I water) are frogs good or bad for gardens?? Any advice? I have lots of pests and I don’t want to hurt him. 198 words Adorable little invasive species, destroyer of gardens. Just found this guy asleep on my dragonfruit vine. 227 words Friendly Friday Thread 149 words I absolutely love my job, taking care of all the plants is pretty rewarding. 137 words The last two of our storage squash we ate last week, were harvested in July 2019 135 words Creeping wood sorrel..considered a weed and propagates everywhere, what if I'm okay with that? 157 words I used to be terrified of bees until I took a Bee class at my university and now, meet my new friends ! 190 words My dad’s garden. He has gotten to the point where he now has to sneak in new plants and little statues so my mum doesn’t tell him off for hoarding! 168 words My wife is so happy her contraption worked after leaving her flowers alone for a week in the 100 degree Texas heat! 359 words Beginner Gardner help. Zone 9a South texas. 119 words How do you keep the deer from destroying everything? I hate the neighborhood pet. 184 words Terrarium with moss, red fox skull, Boston fern 277 words Friendly Friday Thread 317 words Microgreens + artichoke question 257 words Friendly Friday Thread 138 words Friendly Friday Thread 200 words Help! What's happening to my tomato? Noticing it's getting worse and I'm watering it well. 200 words Some of our lettuce, kale and spinach shortly before harvesting. As of today, we've donated ~50lbs of produce to local food pantries :D 297 words Question about using own topsoil & compost