189 words I guess Aba and Preach thinks sexual assault is only when you smack the girl up and penetrate her and not making a girl uncomfortable with sexual advances 232 words I’m unsubscribing, Let’s be honest 161 words On Gary. 213 words As a queer fan, I feel like Ethan only platforms the worst and most extreme of the comments. If he recognizes he went too far in some spots, focus on that and retaining the sane fans instead of yelling about how we're all out for his head. 319 words DISCUSSION MEGATHREAD: James Charles Wears Diapers - H3TV #31 204 words I've watched 8 different hater videos and still fail to see the point. 236 words what can ethan do to fix what many say is the wrong take? how can he do better? what should be the podcasts next step? not interested in replies from people siding with ethan, i want to hear from the people that are upset with him 254 words Are all Jordan Peterson's fans unsubscribing? 138 words H3h3 and weed 139 words Just making people aware of how toxic this dude is 153 words i paid for Nikocado's patreon to find out why exactly he canceled his upcoming interview with Ethan. details inside 145 words Firsthand experience of complaining fans 229 words for those of you men in the chat who were saying that the caller was lying about her psycho ex. just come out and admit that you are probably someone else’s psycho ex. men do crazy shit 221 words Hey everyone. I need help. 258 words Windy Williams in crisis megathread 172 words well shit 270 words how old, and where are you? 119 words Ethan talking about the Catholic Church again 135 words Part of me just doesn’t believe Trisha when she says the filmed a frenemies 129 words In all 6 years of being an h3 fan…