i paid for Nikocado's patreon to find out why exactly he canceled his upcoming interview with Ethan. details inside

Nick humiliates/jokes about himself with his own boundaries that he sets with his own content. That doesn't mean anyone else should just think well if he does it about himself then I'm going to do it too but actually even meaner. Nick is right about him being an "acceptable target" a target that the internet has actively decided you can abuse as much as you want. If Nick said even 1/10th of what Ethan has said about him towards an unacceptable target like... Hila he would be rightly absolutely blasted.

Ethan these last couple of years has gone from the underdog punching up, to a multi-millionaire punching down. He pays poorer people to come on his pod, so he can humiliate them and then make money from it. But he's careful enough to pick "acceptable targets" so he can get away with it. A poor man's Howard Stern which is saying something.

/r/h3h3productions Thread