280 words Crowder after Seder showed up on the H3 debate 148 words This subreddit is getting completely out of hand. Wishing infertility on someone is completely insane, even if they’re a shit person. If you talk this, you are no better than the people you’re criticizing. 135 words In Trisha’s new video she claims Ethan was trying to trigger Trisha the entire time for views. She is really trying to get the internet to turn on him and I won’t lie, I’m extremely disturbed by this behavior. 124 words Can we stop normalising or trying to ‘defend’ Trisha’s behaviour? I’ve seen so many people comment here that also have BPD and many of them state her BPD isn’t an excuse for all the shit behaviour. 243 words Moral of the story: Don't bring Trisha Paytas into your lives 156 words I mean… I’ll keep going, how is this different to GH? 190 words Regarding Trisha Quitting Frenemies 249 words The end of frenemies 190 words Trisha aside, are there any women on the H3 crew that weren’t already dating someone on the crew? 197 words Talking About Gabbie Hanna - Frenemies # 39 193 words So why is Dan saying that the crew wasn’t mad at Trisha on the discord but then Ethan tells her that? 157 words New Frenemies episode- 136 words $4k Robot vs $4k Scooter Race Destroys New Office - Off The Rails # 1 272 words Stephen Crowder Slams H3H3 127 words Jake Paul & Triller Are Suing Me - H3 After Dark # 35 168 words The perfect relationship doesnt exi- 151 words Can someone explain to me why this man looks so excited to tell the story of how he nearly murdered his friend and ended up giving him permanent disabilities?? Cause I'm struggling to understand 196 words Trisha doesn’t actually care about SA victims. 283 words New Jeff video! Much better than the first one. He even calls out David 130 words David Dobrik groomed impressionable kids. And I’m one of them