235 words Looking for a coach/mentor. 142 words It's moronic Monday, your chance to ask any of those lingering questions without fear of harassment. 123 words What's the worst investing advice you have received ? 249 words Why don't more people just sell options? [serious question] 127 words Why are people so passionate about real estate investing? I believe the stock market offers a higher long term return for much less effort. What am I missing? 183 words Dividends 272 words Daily advice thread. All questions about your personal situation should be asked here 358 words Companies buying back stock and paying dividends with debt..... How Do shareholders not revolt at this nonsense? 244 words It's moronic Monday, your chance to ask any of those lingering questions without fear of harassment. 160 words You are only allowed to be concerned about the markets right now if you are 113 words Bitcoin was nearly $20,000 a year ago today 128 words Anyone else annoyed by all the headlines about which company is the most valuable? AMZN, AAPL, MSFT. Why does it matter? 144 words Xi, Trump Agreed on No Additional Tariffs After Jan. 1: CGTN 255 words [Serious] Smart investors of r/investing - What are your reasons for thinking there will/will not be an upcoming recession or significant downturn in 2019? 137 words Last time everyone saw a crash coming? 122 words Last time everyone saw a crash coming? 136 words For anyone trying to "wait on a recession", sitting on piles of cash, or otherwise trying to time the market - read about the "World's Worst Market Timer" 335 words Why do iPhones outsell premium Samsung phones? 181 words I am going to all CD's because of the expected nominal annual stock market return the next ten years is 3-4% 133 words Netflix plans $2 billion bond offering