It's moronic Monday, your chance to ask any of those lingering questions without fear of harassment.

When do we start to worry about this economy?

We inherited a good amount of money from my grandfather when he passed, and it's currently almost all tied up in the markets. We want it there, of course. It's a good amount of money, and we have a Morgan Stanley professional that we trust managing the funds. Our returns are healthy, and higher than her cost for managing it, so we're making a profit. But this market scares me. Nobody is looking to pull the money and run; it isn't leveraging our home, and short of anyone unexpectedly retiring in a year, we've got little to worry about other than trying to keep the stocks healthy.

We liquidated some of the riskier ones and some of the ones that were poorly managed/neglected after my grandfather's health deteriorated. He had some weeds that needed trimming, so to speak. But we've got a good sum right now, and we have a safety net in US treasury and bonds, because we want to keep it safe. We aren't too risky with the money. But this economic chaos has us a little concerned, and I've sort of been dreading this ever since the election. I figured the initial post-election bump would be offset by turmoil, and everything from spats with China to firing several key cabinet members has absolutely disrupted the markets... but I'm still hearing we're not in a recession any time soon. Or are we?

/r/investing Thread