351 words MAD Lions’ Mac on LCS vs LEC: “I think the difference comes when you get to the top end. I think for the most part the top three teams in Europe will still be considerably better than the top three teams in North America. And I didn’t see that much evidence at Worlds to say that wasn’t the case.” 164 words Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged! 236 words Riot Games agrees to pay $100 million in settlement of class-action gender discrimination suit 200 words 2 YEARS worth of Hextech Loot being openend! 172 words Tyler1 Calls for Action from Riot Games 153 words Upset's response about FNATIC & Adam drama 130 words With the conclusion of the 2021 season, here are the role distributions of the top 50 challenger for NA, EUW and Korea. 160 words C9 declined 350k euro request from Fnatic for nisqy 163 words Steve sits down with Travis to discuss NA's Worlds performance, what the region's expectations should be, his reflections on Team Liquid's 2021, and what could be in store for 2022 155 words LS | CLOUD 9 FUDGE INTERVIEW On Differences Between East and West, Drafting, and Worlds 318 words Some suggestions about how LPL teams swim back home from LPL fans 368 words So this game has been out for over a decade, how come there is no tutorial for the jungle role? 145 words Bruisers got powercreeped because the goal was to make them better than other champions as a way to increase top lane's influence. However, this didn't account for them going into other lanes. 168 words Why do you play your main? 132 words gotta accept the 40/40/20 rule or you will be tilted out of your mind 218 words Patch 11.19 Bug Thread 167 words Mental health issues due to Solo q ! The playerbase is a real problem 121 words World's 2021 attending players (110) by country of origin 176 words LCS Viewership, Academy changes, broadcast content, format, and more- LCS Head answers BIG QUESTIONS 304 words Extending dodge timers for one for all