253 words Naomi Long 279 words BBC News users truly value Northern Ireland's part in the union 341 words What are the differences between the Catholic and Protestant faiths ? 382 words What are the differences between the Catholic and Protestant faiths ? 216 words British troops 'to be investigated' over killings during the Troubles in Northern Ireland 283 words Out of the shadows: The real LAD, and why he matters 217 words Muslim who praised IS drove case against 'Satanic Islam' sermon Belfast pastor McConnell 342 words Cross border campaign launched at Bridgend in opposition to Brexit 259 words Will ye guys support the republic now that Northern Ireland is knocked out? 508 words IRA plot to ‘ethnically cleanse' border after Kingsmill 277 words How violent were the Troubles in Northern Ireland? (x - post from r/history 348 words The people over in /r/The_Donald make our political parties seem sane. 541 words What are your thoughts on legalising Gay Marriage? 375 words 210,000 people claiming DLA in Northern Ireland 369 words NI Abortion Vote - by party 311 words [Request] anyone here travelled to England for an abortion or bought abortion pills online? (Want to speak to someone (anon) for a project) 451 words Zika virus spreads to Ireland with the first two cases of the 'head-shrinking' illness detected in travellers 353 words What do you think of this whole Caffe Nero homeless thing? 374 words More people have died by suicide in the past 17 years than were killed by 30 years of the Troubles 345 words Campaign to name Belfast International Airport after Joey Dunlop takes off as 2,500 sign petition in the first 24 hours