Muslim who praised IS drove case against 'Satanic Islam' sermon Belfast pastor McConnell

In legal documents seen exclusively by the Belfast Telegraph, Dr Raied Al-Wazzan of the Belfast Islamic Centre is named as the chief witness in the prosecution case against Pastor James McConnell.

Wow - what fucking amazing reportage. Such an exclusive! The guy who made the complaint is the chief witness? I would never has suspected that.

That's like the only unrehashed sentence in that article. Suzanne Breen is worth her weight in gold. Give that woman a raise.

As with the Ashers Appeal Case - this case will be heard and then some fucking geriatric judge will "reserve judgement" for months on end, possibly years, because for some reason it takes them a lifetime to weigh up and make a decision on these really complicated cases. There should be a law that if a judge can't decide on your case in say three months - then you've not broken any laws. And if it's an appeal then you auto win after three months.

I really wish these bullshit "I'm offended" cases were jury cases more often because you wouldn't be able to report on anything outside of the courtroom before a judgement had been made for fear of being reprimanded for prejudicing the case.

June 2017 - bet a decision won't have been made on this bullshit.

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