210,000 people claiming DLA in Northern Ireland

50% of the UK population is on benefits.

How many workers are self employed or private tax payers? These are the only ones actually helping the place because they produce tangilbe tax out of thin air where as everyone else relies on this tangible tax. 50% of the population here sits around doing nothing waiting for tax payers money to come through. People who work in the public sector obviously work, but they are completely reliant on the tiny proportion of actual employees here who produce and generate tax here.

People read a 8% unemployement rate and assume 90% of people have jobs.

Around 45% of the population of N. I have jobs,

Of those 45%, many don't pay income tax, many are part time

Of those 45%, many are social and public workers supporting the unproductive 50%, many are civil service, NHS etc. All these jobs are GREAT i know but they are reliant in private and self employed people who generate 100% of the tax which everyone else relies on.

Do you think its liberals out carrying our economy? Ofcourse not. Every employee is employed at a physical location because some capitialist went out and built that company. We really rely on the 5 or 10% of us who are right wing capitilists who go out and set up our Industry and all of our companies. Their taxes pay all the government, social workers, civil service , foreign aid, benefits and everything else. These people dont use as much public services because right-wing people don't admit weakness, and right-wing people treat their body like their work ethic - immaculate.

People love to bitch and complain about greedy successful men but the entire population relies on them like dominos. The 1% earn all the tax, which supports everyone else. Once the business owners stop generating revenue, products, income, then taxes stop, then 50% of the population don't get benefits and 25% of the population (public workers) refuse to work .

The UK and Ireland owe their entire GDP (which is impossible to collect) in foreign debt, we need austerity, the taxes of the hardworking few % raise billions but it isn't enough to support 30 million leeches.

Never forget that 50% of the UK population lives for free off the government and receives large cash lump sums, every week, into their bank account.

/r/northernireland Thread Link - belfasttelegraph.co.uk