[Request] anyone here travelled to England for an abortion or bought abortion pills online? (Want to speak to someone (anon) for a project)

Ambiguous statement. What side are you on? As I read that, I take away the following - that the abuse of human rights is the unborn child being murdered, and the denied service is life and existence, to other's elsewhere in the nation, is to the millions of babies murdered in England compared to those saved? - saved shouldn't even be the word, naturally born should be the term to describe a natural birth after actively engaging in sex, selfish murder used to describe the 'right' of sticking spoons up to kill the baby and suck it out.

Hopefully in your report you cover the following:

Your own existence and how lucky you are to be here, the millions of existences ruined / killed in abortion heavy countries due to nothing other than selfish mothers, the millions of existence saved where abortion is not practiced. The selfish reasons people get pregnant. The selfish reasons people take abortions, money, wanting to stay young 'free'... maybe she wants to nab some sucker husband and knows no man wants a woman with a baby so she murders it to try and preserve herself. The fact that after an abortion, the woman is still a mother but is a mother to a baby she murdered, and that she will have to live her life knowing her child would have first birthday, growing up, etc, but is dead in some plastic bag. You should cover the fact that if one believes in God, or any creator or afterlife, or morals or ethics, that Abortion is automatically wrong by default and by it's description. you should be explicit that anyone who gets an Abortion should tell people they meet about what they have done, so the person can decide if they want to continue being near them. If Abortions are so great, why do women hide the fact?

/r/northernireland Thread Parent