NI Abortion Vote - by party

Ireland remains a moral and ethical society - pro woman, pro life, pro child, pro existence.

I fear for the day our country becomes like England and we raise our daughters to be whores. Thats the reputation of English women, everyone knows they're the poster child of disgusting western women with lots of sexual partners. And yes I would know ive fucked over 5 English women on the first night I met them. What sort of message does it send out to children 'Uhh yeah, we live on earth, youre a human, you were birthed due to people reproducing you, you too can reproduce life, if you go through the effort and actions of reproducing life, a life may come into existence... but don't worry, we can stick these spoons in your womb and crush your child's brain then suck the corpse out :D' '-isn't that a bit unethical? Wouldn't I go to hell?' , 'What, No, ofcourse not, look here, its your right holds up a piece of paper, its your right to kill the baby, you can't go to hell for it because I said so'.

I read an English news story yesterday about some black lad who kicked his pregnant English girl's stomach to murdered their unborn child so she wouldn't birth his child. The baby died. How is that murder? It's just a bunch of cells! He's innocent. How DARE you try and tell him what he can and cannot do with his body. He lifted his leg to kick her womb and kill the baby, how DARE you try and tell him what he can and cannot do with his leg, this is 2016, you women have been controlling men for centuries... this isnt 1800 anymore... you women can't get away with it. You cannot control men anymore, you cannot try and dictate and control a man's body to whether or not he can kick and kill babies. How dare you try and tell him he must use his body to earn wages to pay for that child. Its HIS body, how DARE you try and suggest he should do something with his body he doesn't want to do. #HisLegHisKicks, #HisBodyHisChoice, #HisChildHisRights , #KickAPregnantLady, #NotAMurderer, #JustSomeCells, #JustHisBody, #JustASwiftKick

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