143 words Drake is 33 and was texting a 14 year old Millie Bobby Brown and now he's texting a 17 year old Billie Ellish and he's been interested in Kylie Jenner since 'forever' and she JUST turned 22 like this guy is a CREEP CREEP and people just give him a pass WHY 129 words Stop. Letting. Your. Child. Win. Every. Fucking. Game 185 words I support LGBTQ+ but... 124 words Fuck anyone who says I'm privileged because I'm white 143 words SJWs and Antifa are as bad as the Nazis and fascists they claim to hate. 127 words being childfree is perfectly fine, but what is not fine is shitting on children and whining about how much you hate them whenever you see one. 130 words I wish sex didn't exist 126 words Just fucking tell me if you don't want to hang out 260 words The idea of “bad words” is dumb 140 words Not every rant is a sneak diss. It’s not my fault that it fits you. 140 words Transgender male athletes are destroying women's sports. Men who 'transition' to women are not women and have an unfair advantage in competition. These men suffer from a mental disorder and their illness needs to be treated, not encouraged. Now female athletes are paying for society's retardation. 245 words why is being honest on reddit the equivalent to being a troll? 390 words Obese people should not be allowed into theme parks. 132 words i hate myself 152 words LGBT and not sitting comfortably 148 words Men say they want a naturally attractive good girl. It's a LIE. 123 words No longer trust women 163 words I don't know! 322 words You don’t know anything about my fucking life, so FUCK off with your “privilege” bullshit 456 words Fuck modern hiring practices