Fuck anyone who says I'm privileged because I'm white

No, that's not what affirmative action does.

Affirmative action attempts to redress EXISTING inequality. It attempts to fix the historical and contemporary marginalization of minority groups (including women) by making sure that those minorities have an equal chance to access education, jobs, etc. It tries to establish equality, which this cartoon is a good explanation of: http://i2.wp.com/interactioninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/IISC_EqualityEquity.png

Even so, affirmative action is probably the only example people who claim that institutional racism doesn't exist can think of in their defense, and it's not a very good example, partly because it's not universal and is a small part of broader institutional histories of inequality.

This explains more: https://secure.understandingprejudice.org/readroom/articles/affirm.htm

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