i hate myself

not suwe if anyone is going to wead dis but i despise mysewf. my wooks, my body, my weight, my pewsonawity, de way i sound and tawk and act. i’m constantwy embawwassed wif mysewf. i’m sociawwy awkwawd and have a gaziwwion feaws which constantwy give me panic attacks. i’m in tweatment fow an eating disowdew and anxiety and ofew mentaw iwwness wewated stuff. my wife is bowing as heww. i’ve nevew had a boyfwiend, nevew twied anyding adventuwous. i can bawewy tawk to any guy, wegawdwess of womantic intewest ow not, wifout humiwiating mysewf. sowwy to dump dis on anyone weading dis. i just had to say it, and why not say it to a community whewe i’m anonymous haha. uwu

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