144 words What common item in life would you love to hear the sales story behind? 1,045 words Customer says “your price is too high.” How do you respond? 195 words I dont like accounting! I want to be a salesman like you guys! 276 words Seeking advice/feedback 296 words Are you in sales just for money, or something else? 235 words Is it a big disadvantage to not use LinkedIn? 204 words The best advice I've ever gotten selling anything to anyone in 20 years in this industry 143 words Account Executives who don't drink alcohol, does this affect your sales? 137 words “I’m just looking” sales objective advice please 123 words I work in equipment leasing industry and have vendor sales reps that send me leads. I’m struggling to find what to say when I call them to just “catch up” when they don’t have any active deals. Any advice? 142 words Saas sales people (or sales people in general), what are you like? 118 words What is the sales cycle for a saas product 163 words Is price a selling point? 154 words Interview for first sales job 115 words Looking to change from retail sales management to B2B and SaaS sales and can use some help. 141 words Your favorite answer to the most common objections you get ? (not interested, too expensive, I'll think about it etc..) 545 words Sales Engineer salary expectation gut-check. What would you do? 236 words How to overcome "leave me more information and we'll get back to you" after in-person meeting? 236 words What advantages does a career in high-tech sales have over investment banking? Picking between IBD at JP Morgan & SDR at Oracle 250 words Went from SDR to Account Executive in less than a year. Taking questions & advice.