Went from SDR to Account Executive in less than a year. Taking questions & advice.

On what basis would you say you're doing well? Do you have the highest activity levels, the most bookings, the highest quality conversations, etc.?

Most high quality appointments. My first 2 appointments were extremely high quality and larger deals for the company. Manager and most senior AE keep telling me to keep it up.

Assuming business need for new AEs (an near-absolute requirement) you'll want to do the following: Clearly communicate your desire to become an AE. This seems simple but you'd be surprised at how easy it is for management to forget about your priorities.


Have high quality conversations with prospects. If you're crushing it as a SDR by playing the volume game, management will worry that you won't be able to handle lengthier, deeper conversations with prospects.

Shouldn't be an issue. I qualify most of my leads well also.

Develop strong internal champions. If you develop a reputation within your company for being an all-star, higher level people will notice. Have them sing your praises to your sales managers.

Being done.

In the end, it's really hard to source high quality AEs. So if yo

Sounds like I'll keep doing what I am doing. As the most senior AE gets more busy with bigger deals and the pseudo SDR manager/half AE doesn't want to do some I'll see if I can get in on a smaller deal or two in the next 3-6 months and slowly integrate into that role. Thanks!

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