128 words How to deal with homeless people in Downtown areas? 212 words What’s with the obnoxious dog community here that is so against leashes? 473 words Every single day my RN girlfriend gets urgent texts from her hospital system begging for people to pick up more shifts as they desperately try to keep up with urgent care and ER demand and I go to work across the street from THIS kind of crap. 143 words At county public meeting, county resident twice announced public health officers address 215 words 6 outbreaks in 7 days: we are 1 outbreak short of rolling back reopening. 126 words Stop using the “Defund the Police” slogan 136 words Still seeing a slightly positive slope in new covid-19 cases per day, here's an analogy, using Mike Tyson, to help people understand why this is a make or break moment for us. 121 words Are there any cults in San Diego? 264 words Everyone here acting like the pandemic over? 329 words Local barber shop’s sign says “Wuhan Virus” 166 words Is there anywhere open where I can go camping? 131 words Everytime I catch a glimpse of any KUSI coverage lately, it's some bullishit playing down the virus. Was just denying climate change too last decade/John Coleman-y for them? 150 words Fellow San Diegans, what are some widely/lesser known urban legends from our beautiful city? 197 words SDG&E Power Shut Offs Begin as Red Flag Warning Takes Effect (list of possible areas included) 153 words Tijuana or PB for Thursday Night nightlife? 162 words PSA: Read Your Gym Contract, almost got scammed 136 words This is Patrick Casey, born in West Virginia, raised in San Diego, class of 07 from Coronado High school. Leader of Identity Europa, he's a fascist and a racist and we need to expose these individuals. After yesterdays events enough is enough, expose and spread the word. 259 words Migrant groups march to U.S. consulate in Tijuana demanding $50,000 in reparations each to go home 286 words Migrant groups march to U.S. consulate in Tijuana demanding $50,000 in reparations each to go home 200 words Keep an eye on your drinks at all times please