295 words General Chatter/Meetup Thread - Week of August 06 238 words Need advice for a shy person thinking about doing a solo travel 348 words Just got back from 3 months in the USA. Travelling within the USA was much better than this subreddit led me to believe. 382 words Why is leisure travel seen as a "young people" thing to do? 347 words Hostel horror stories? 209 words Shit Solotravelers say thread 646 words Warning: Solo Travel Makes You Undateable 229 words My first solo trip is 2 weeks away. Scared as hell 444 words Japan Massage Shenanigans 199 words Traveling solo to Australia next year, and I could definitely use some advice/recommendations. 330 words Flighthub 476 words Going to Germany for 3 weeks for work, going to Italy for a weekend for fun. 402 words My cat had to be put down today while I'm away. Feeling a bit lost and lonely. 828 words Oh goodness..... What have I'd done? Please tell me I'm going to make it home :-) 310 words 23F wanting to go solo travelling for the first time scared of any racist backlash 445 words the mental game of solo travel 400 words I'm tired of my life as it is right now and I need a change. I have decided to go solo-travel the whole summer, but I need some advice. 404 words I am a broke student whose dream is to see as much of the world as possible. Redditors who have accomplished my dream tell me your story and how i can do the same. 429 words At what age did people start their solo adventures? How do you think going at the age that you did affect your travels? 423 words Is couchsurfing still an option for newcomers on a budget?