23F wanting to go solo travelling for the first time scared of any racist backlash

This culture of fear makes me sad to see.

Chances are there are more Indians/south Asians in European countries or other places you might go than where you are now. The city near where I grew up in the UK has a majority south Asian population. See this video of an Indian wedding there. I now live in New Zealand, see here for how another Indian wedding is reported there in the news. See here for a video interviewing Indian students in NZ. From my experience living in Europe and Australia/NZ south Asians are typically very well respected and visible members of the community. People like them because they have a reputation as being friendly and honourable.

Even jihadist imams have lived with impunity and safety they wouldn't have in places like Lebanon or Iraq.

Also, why would you be more at risk of racism in another country than where you are now? There are ignorant people everywhere, and there are plenty of ignorant racist morons in the USA. In my experience there are maybe a lot more of the kind of morons that think brown skin = terrorist in the USA. That mindset is rare to see and unless your holiday wardrobe is a burqa and ISIS flag ensemble I can't see any problem.

You're not the first person to think stuff like this, America seems to bring people up to think the rest of the world is super dangerous but don't let this fear put you off because it's got little to no basis in reality. America has very high rates of race related crime, homicide and violent crime compared to most European countries for example.

/r/solotravel Thread