Japan Massage Shenanigans

Jesus guys, lighten up a little. I feel like any time i say something that is obviously a way out there implausible event/act as a joke you all say I should seek help haha. Like if I were a comedian on stage and after every joking situation I stated everyone just looked genuinely concerned like all of their collective kids just died haha. I guess the only things accepted here are hard facts and bland normal statements. I try to throw in a heaping dose of nonsense in everything I post here to keep it interesting but every time without fail I get plenty of responses that say things Like "you're not normal, you're over thinking things, your insensitive, my mom isn't that fat, normal people don't think that way, better go home now you're not mentally stabel" etc etc etc. Like, what? Do you guys not understand the concept that not everything is 100% true all of the time? Lol like seriously every single one of my post has at least one or more jokes like this in it and every time I get the same bland responses and every time I make a comment like this one. Some how more surprised than the last that without fail this keeps happening. Like you guys are all humorless robots or sonething. Now I'm not saying I'm the funniest guy in the banana patch but to take shitty jokes as mental problems makes me concerned for you guys lol.

Also whoever commented "what do their bodies have to do with" blah blah blah. They have everything to do with it. If you pay 1 million dollars to own a sports car it better be in perfect condition. "But ocelot, a womans body is not a car ocelot, seek mental help ocelot seek it now" nah nah, listen, if I am to be touched by a woman that I am paying to do so I want her to be appealing to me. I am in no way insulting her skills. I gave them both 10/10 ratings and thanked them for their time but I did feel extremely jipped for having to pay so much and not have an ideal experience when the resources were there.

If you pay for a fancy night on the town to go to a bunch of restaurants and all the food is either undercooked or burnt would you not send it back to the kitchen since you are paying ap premium for this? Of course you would. You work hard for your money (or at least I do) and you shouldn't settle for less than what you want when you pay for it.

/r/solotravel Thread