125 words TIL women tend to use more exclamation points then men to appear more friendly even in professional settings (ie business emails) 375 words TIL that Johnny Cash was attacked by an ostrich on his farm in 1981. Cash suffered 5 broken ribs and claims the animal would have disembowled him if not for the large belt buckle he was wearing at the time. 141 words Today I learned that prior to testing the first atomic bomb, Manhattan Project physicists made bets on the whether the bomb would ignite the atmosphere and vaporize Earth. 176 words TIL Rabies has the highest mortality rate of any virus at 99.9%. 162 words TIL that Confederate soldiers could not be buried in national cemeteries, nor were they afforded any benefits from the United States Government. When the reburial corps in the late 1860s found remains on battlefields, they'd remove the Union soldiers and leave the Confederates. 214 words TIL that Confederate soldiers could not be buried in national cemeteries, nor were they afforded any benefits from the United States Government. When the reburial corps in the late 1860s found remains on battlefields, they'd remove the Union soldiers and leave the Confederates. 158 words TIL when Jim Henson died, Disney Imagineers sent a drawing of Mickey Mouse consoling Kermit the Frog to his mourning company. 216 words TIL Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence contained a passage that condemned slavery as one of the many evils foisted upon the colonies by the British crown. 237 words Today I learned that Jews were blamed for The Black Death. 153 words TIL in 2017, Zac Efron nearly experienced a mental breakdown trying to achieve the 'perfect' body for Baywatch. In 2019, he admitted he never wants to be in that good of shape again, calling it an "unrealistic" ideal for men. 120 words TIL Mark Wahlberg was booked to fly on American Airlines Flight 11 on September 11, 2001, but his plans changed the day before and he canceled his reservation. He received backlash for stating in a 2012 interview, "If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did". 119 words TIL unfrosted Pop Tarts have more calories and fat than frosted Pop Tarts. The unfrosted ones have a slightly thicker crust to make up for the lack of frosting. 167 words TIL Adolf Hitler once befriended a Jew, Rosa Bernile Nienau, which only ended when top Nazi officials interfered five years later. 243 words TIL: the US Gov't made a deal with the Italian Mafia to ensure that no German or Italian saboteurs snuck in through the New York port/docks by providing information to the US Navy. They also guaranteed no dockworkers would strike, therefore ensuring a constant line of supplies leaving to the front. 190 words TIL that the first evidence of dreadlocks is credited to Vedic scriptures of Indian origin 135 words TIL Norway hires sherpas from Nepal to build paths in the Norwegian mountains. They have completed over 300 projects, and their pay for one summer, equals 30 years of work in Nepal. 191 words TIL 50% of sloths die when they poop. Sloths only poop on the ground standing up, leaving them vulnerable to predators. They also lose up to 1/3 of their bodyweight when they poop. 244 words TIL that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were just 2 of dozens of Japanese cities subjected to massive incendiary attacks. Firestorms leveled almost 100 square miles in Japan's three largest cities (Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya) alone. Hundreds of thousands were killed and millions forced to evacuate. 252 words TIL that German industrial metal band Rammstein has had the same members since its formation in 1994. This is because they've respected each others' wishes to take breaks, whether for personal reasons or to focus on side projects. 358 words TIL 76% of Vietnamese people share only 6 surnames, with a full 38% of them having the surname Nguyen