153 words Since Blizzard is updating/adding models, could we get some love for the Druid Cheetah form? 152 words I can't put a socket on a Ring that I just got from PvP - Is this a bug or intentional ? Does anyone know a fix ? 195 words It feels like I'm the only one who hates Horiffic Visions. 141 words Instead of power progression, Legion had cosmetics as incentives to participate in a variety of content. That’s the model that we should return to in Shadowlands. 132 words WoW Token confirmed for Classic in China. Will other regions follow? 160 words "At this point we're trying to make virtually everything we can account wide." - Ion Hazzikostas 2017 210 words Is the horde vs alliance conflict still relevant? 264 words Blizzard resets N'zoth during Limits best attempt 227 words I'm repping faction, race, and allegiance today 284 words If you die in a Vision and your group completes it, you're still screwed! 125 words Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread 157 words What should each Race get for a new class option? 137 words What are Tyrande and Genn going to do Post-Saurfang? 171 words Lvl 120 DK's crept into our Lvl 19 BG using party sync and spawn camped us. Wtf is this shit blizzard? 218 words TFW you return to BfA after a long time and this abomination is the first thing you see 329 words Is it still possible to get the moon spirit artifact appearance? And if so, how do I get it? 197 words It would've been nice if BfA's faction war narrative actually focused on more characters than just Saurfang, Anduin and Sylvanas. While Saurfang got most of the attention after the War of Thorns, the victims of said event got next to nothing. 143 words DPS meter question 297 words A middle-ground way to make pathfinder achievements a bit more palatable 237 words The Real Reason Tier Sets Were Removed