10 Minutes of DMC4SE Lady / Trish Gameplay (And 6 more of Vergil)

Fair warning: The encoding is terrible and the dude takes his time explaining the character mechanics in Japanese. Don't expect too many sick combos.

Lady looks like a heck of a keepaway character. She has Dual Pistols, a Shotgun and the Kalina Ann. She can do cross-map High Times and Helm Splitters using her grappling hook.

Her meter mechanic looks to be a 3-stock charge that differs from gun to gun. The Shotgun acts like Dante's charge shot only longer, Pistols launch enemies and the KA gets a big-ass super rocket. It looks like you can't move while charging the super rocket.

  • She has Gunstinger. It appears to automatically chain into a rocket backdash too, reinforcing the keepaway strategy. Not sure if this is Shotgun only.

  • KA gets a ZoE2-style multi-lock where you sweep lock-on cursors across a bunch of enemies and unleash tons of missiles. Hysteric is back from DMC3 too.

  • KA has a big 360 spin slash for crowd control.

  • Air Hike? Rocket Jumps!

  • KA has some kind of huge screen-clearing explosive attack. Doesn't look like it costs anything, and the DT meter isn't always full so I don't think they're using a super costume.

Trish's bit is set in that dark-ish room where you fight Dante for the second time as Nero, which fucks with the encoding big time. What I've managed to spot so far:

  • Sparda looks like it uses at least part of the DMC1 moveset- the cross slash combo is in there

  • She has a lightning version of Rolling Blaze from DMC1

  • The scythe Round Trip is back, now with enormous range

  • Round Trip variants- She uses it to boomerang around a bunch of enemies and blast them toward her from mid-range

  • Her moveset changes to Ifrit-like melee during Round Trip- Looks like her fists fire huge lightning projectiles when fully charged

  • A variant on Beowulf's Volcano that AoE launches enemies when charged

  • Ifrit's punt launcher

  • High kick string combos

  • SPINNING BIRD KICK?! (Into AoE launcher)

  • Lightning variants of Lunar Phase and Starfall

  • Twin Pistols. Probably Luce & Ombra

  • All of Pandora's non-Gunslinger tech. This didn't require a weapon switch, so it probably takes the place of a charge shot.

  • Aerial versions of Pandora's ground moves from the base game (!!!)

/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay Thread Link - m.56.com