1660ti + 2600x + 16gb 2934hz DDR4 ram = 40-50 fps @medium?

Are you running in dx12? Cuz I’ve got a 3080ti, and the performance should be very close. I consistently sit around the 90’s and above in 1440p. The only major differences in our rigs seem to be the 2GB extra vram, and I’ve got a 9900k for a cpu. When I swapped to dx12 in steam settings for the game I got way better performance. Some stuttering for the first 10 seconds when first spawning into combat, but it settles and runs butter smooth after.

I can understand capping the fps as a consistent framerate is more enjoyable and easier to play than something that’s at 144 and then dropping to 45fps the next minute. Thats miserable to play on.

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