17 Ungentlemanly Things 20-Something Men Have Got To Stop Doing (this pissed me off more than it should)

took this from the comments...

1) Making jokes about penis sizes. 2) Complaining about how women have it so hard in the world today and men have it easy. 3) Being loud and flash in public thinking it makes you look cute. It makes you look...trashy. 4) Expecting men to continue holding a conversation with you even though you don't look as attractive close up after approaching you. 5) Being a whorish drunk- Grinding on bouncers, sticking your tongue out, letting your ass/tits slip from your dress on purpose 6) Leaving the house in booty shorts/ crop tops/ plain leggings 7) Swearing 8) Trying to impress someone with- too much make up, fake eyelashes, Botox'd lips, hair extensions, push up bras, high heels, fake tits. 9) Rejecting men in a rude way. At the very least, you should not throw a hissy fit when you then approach a good looking man and have him shoo you away in front of an entire club. 10) Thinking every place is a make up room. Put the damn compact mirror away. 11) Thinking its cute to act dumb around guys. You are dumb. No reason to act, while you may be fun for the night I'd much rather bed a woman who can hold a conversation that doesn't involve Kim Kardashian. 12) Taking pride in flipping your hair, pursing your lips, or fluttering your eyelashes because "you are a girl". Again, just..no. 13) Hiding your sexual past from guys in trying to appear less promiscuous than you actually are. Here's a hint- any guy who has been with his fair share of women can smell this a mile away, and you will be treated accordingly. Hence why you hear complains such as "he was so nice when we met then turned into a giant douchebag" 14) Commenting on a man's appearance and shaming him in any way- Eww he has a beard, ew he has a belly, ew he has ginger hair, ew he has no hair. 15) Purposefully refusing to do old fashioned things like making your man a sandwich or giving him a bj without expecting anything in return. Again, common decency. 16) Not taking "no" for an answer. If I promised you a relationship but decided you're not that great in bed, you should respect my decision and not start name calling or stalking. 17) Calling every guy who dares to dress/carry himself well a metrosexual or gay.

/r/MensRights Thread Link - thoughtcatalog.com