2 questions. Do you (still) have any complaints about the game?

To be fair, IW's hit detection improved over the year and weapon balance changed several times before they got it right. WW II is only a few weeks old so it's still fresh and needs feedback for them to make changes.

  • I can still find NV4/KBAR tryhards in every lobby. They were nerfed slightly but they're still the most versatile ARs. I try to avoid using them.
  • HVR is still one of the worst SMGs. It's definitely viable but when the MacTav and Karma exist, it's hard to justify using it.

Then there's the changes they made:

  • RAW was nerfed twice, Titan was buffed twice. The RAW was fine. :(
  • The Volk was very strong at launch, got nerfed hard, then buffed again.
  • VPR wasn't great at launch, got a SUPER MEGA BUFF and was very OP, then was brought back to something more in line
  • Type 2 was meh at launch but got a fire rate buff and now it's great
  • R3K was pretty crap at launch, but got buffed a few times and now it's very good
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