[20F] Recently got rejected. Rate my face?

Just going by what you said and the words you chose. He said he didn't want a commitment and didn't want to hurt you because you're a special person to him. To me, I interpret that to mean he isn't looking for a LTR more of a casual one ATM. He sees any relationship he may get involved in as one he rather not develop deep feelings in because he doesn't want either the drama or to be hurt himself in some way later. When he said you're a special person to him if those were his actual words I assume then you're friends on some level. I have a lot of hot friends but I'd never ask them out. Mostly because even if one said yes there's the long term outlook rule I have. I don't get involved casually with anyone because I've only had a few LTR and it's what I'm looking for. And to me unless the relationship ends up in marriage one day it means it'll end in a breakup one day. Knowing right now any relationship more than likely isn't going to be his final relationship he doesn't want you to be just another girl he went out with one day. Because it'll probably end up in a break up one day and he values whatever friendship you have too much to let you become a former ex later. It's very honest of him and I give him credit in not using you in some way just for a fun relationship. I should just rate you don't I won't because I don't think you have any issues in the looks department. He issue was with his choice right now for his life and also his belief that you're more valuable as a friend than a possible former ex that is a awkward to know later in life. I'll add though that I'm assuming you asked him out in some way and this hardly ever happens to me. You're so attractive that I'd probably ruin a friendship just to take the chance. He's a lot more level headed than I am and he should be commended for that. Your best feature is your eyes in case you're curious. You have a South American vib going on. The dark dreamy eyes and hair. To sum up, you have no rejection, it was a risk of losing what he has with you he wasn't willing to take and that's a compliment. To sum up, it's not you, it's him.

/r/Rateme Thread