I (23F) have serious issues with vagina; irrational? [body issues]

I think you need to try and fall in love with your own pubic area. A silly idea but true. Stop judging it against other people's. It doesn't have to look like theirs because it is what it is. There is no point being miserable all your life because you don't look like Katy Perry or Beyonce or whoever, and there is no point wishing your vulva looks like a porn stars.

No matter what it looks like it's there for your pleasure. Get used to it, get to know it, make friends. Try touching yourself without judgement. Nobody else can see or needs to know about it. Does it feel nice. Rub your clit. Buy a vibrator or some toys. Fuck yourself! Make love to yourself! Whatever you feel like. Find out what feels good.

Now think when you have sex with someone else. A lot of the pleasure comes from giving them pleasure. There is nothing like making someone else cum. If you don't let them touch your clit or finger your pussy you are taking that away from them. By shutting down your pleasure you are also shutting down theirs. They have already decided to have sex with you - they are not going to run screaming because you have a bit of extra padding round your clit/vagina. Get dominant girl - spread your lips wide with your hands and tell them to eat you till you cum! They will be so turned on they won't care a hoot what it looks like.

I know it is all easier said than done but don't let anxiety about not being 'perfect' ruin your sex life while you are young. At some point when you are older (my age!) you will look back and kick yourself for worrying about it. Enjoy what you have. Stop judging yourself so harshly.

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